The maximum width for artwork for each ski is 150 mm. There is no maximum length. Your finished artwork should depict two skis, side by side. Bear in mind that when your image is transferred from transfer paper to PBT or Nylon, shrinkage on the order of 3 percent is expected. To be safe, please extend your artwork significantly past the tip and tail to account for this shrinkage. Place marks at the tip and tail to identify the centerline of the ski. Also place marks extending in from the side of the ski to designate the location of the tip.
Any text meant to appear on the ski must be mirrored in your artwork. Please do not attempt to place or extend text to the very tail of the ski. Because of the shrinkage effect noted above, it is likely that the text will not appear exactly where you would like it to be.
Mert Skis requires that the Mert logo appear at the tip of your ski. We will insert our logo into your artwork. The name Mert must also appear prominently on the ski. We leave this task up to you. The other text required on the ski is the tip width(mm), waist width(mm), tail width(mm), length(cm), sidecut radius(m), and serial number. Please let us know what font to use and we will print this information on your topsheet. Alternatively, you can include this info in your artwork and we will supply you with a serial number.
To make sure that your artwork is going to fit on your skis, we suggest you do the following. In your graphics program, create a new layer for an outline of your skis. The outline should conform to the specifications in the illustration below. Your artwork should fit roughly into the outline. Remember, your output must be the actual size of the artwork on your skis plus a shrinkage allowance.

In the above diagram, schumitte is the location of the center of the ski boot. It is also the location of the waist of the ski. Ski length is 176 cm. For Mert Skis, the waist is located (.44 x ski length) from the tail of the ski. Remember that you have to account for shrinkage so multiply this result by 1.03.
You don’t want any of your text to end up under your bindings. Mert Skis uses Head and Tyrolia PowerRail bindings. The overall length of these bindings is 57 cm. The schumitte is located 27 cm from the front of the binding or 30 cm from the back. If you want to use a different binding, you will need to determine these measurements for yourself.
Use any graphics program you like, but before submitting your file, please export it in AI(Adobe Illustrator) format. Your file should be submitted to bill@mertskis.com.
Your artwork reflects on Mert Skis as well as yourself. We will not incorporate artwork into our skis that we consider to be lewd, obscene, or otherwise inappropriate. Material that has obviously been previously copyrighted also cannot be displayed on a Mert Ski unless you obtain written permission from the copyright holder. Examples are professional sports team logos and college/university mascots.
There is a charge for submitting custom artwork. This charge covers the work we need to do to make sure your artwork will fit your skis and to add the logo, etc. If it appears that the time required for modifications is significantly in excess of our budgeted time, we will contact you regarding how we should proceed.
Before submitting your file, Make sure
• Your file is designed at 100% size plus the shrinkage allowance
• File resolution is sufficient for full size
• Registration marks denoting the center and tip of the ski are included